1. Kontakt X and the end of Reaktor? - Instruments Forum - KVR Audio
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KVR Audio Forum - Kontakt X and the end of Reaktor? - Instruments Forum
2. NI winding down development of Reaktor, discontinuing Super 8 ...
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There's more than meets the eye
3. A small modular reactor's demise calls for big change in Energy ...
Nov 14, 2023 · NuScale Power Corp., which is developing America's flagship small modular reactor (SMR), has lost its only firm utility customer, the Utah Associated Municipal ...
NuScale Power Corp., which is developing America’s flagship small modular reactor, has lost its only firm utility customer, even though the US Energy Department had already given NuScale hundreds of millions in grants. How could this happen? Simple: The Energy Department overrode market signals, went all in on SMRs, and stuck US taxpayers with the tab.
4. Japan's nuclear watchdog disqualifies a reactor for the first time since ...
Nov 13, 2024 · TOKYO (AP) — Japan's nuclear watchdog on Wednesday formally disqualified a reactor in the country's north-central region from restarting, ...
TOKYO (AP) — Japan's nuclear watchdog on Wednesday formally disqualified a reactor in the country's north-central region from restarting, the first rejection under safety standards that were reinforced after the 2011 Fukushima disaster. The decision is a setback for Japan as it seeks to accelerate reactor restarts to maximize nuclear power.
5. [PDF] Small Nuclear Reactors for Military Installations: Capabilities, Costs ...
If DOD does not act early to support the U.S. small reactor industry, there is a chance that the industry could be dominated by foreign companies. Along with ...
6. Resilient reactors: Nuclear built to last centuries | New Scientist
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Can we build a new breed of nuclear power plants that run for hundreds of years rather than a couple of decades, asks Fred Pearce
7. Nuclear reactor strange power production - Factorio Forums
Nov 5, 2023 · Then you switch on your maximum load, and everything seems fine - but water or steam level slowly declines, because there is actually more water ...
Looking for advice - maybe I miss something obvious here. I’m experimenting w/nuclear reactors for a megabase. Created a 2x8 block which is producing 2.4GW i…
8. [PDF] Status of Fast Reactor Research and Technology Development
... decline in funding support in LMR development; similar reasons were to cause ... super-heater sections of the steam generator, respectively. The.
9. The ASTRID nuclear project: even the ghost is gone - European Scientist
Sep 27, 2019 · The first one was Rapsodie, a low thermal power reactor of 20 MWTh which was mainly used for fuel and sodium coolant testing and which reached a ...
The development of sodium-cooled fast breeders has been going in in France has sadly been abandonned despite its high potentiel
10. Nuclear Power in Russia
3 days ago · Russia is moving steadily forward with plans for an expanded role of nuclear energy, including development of new reactor technology.
Russia is moving steadily forward with plans for an expanded role of nuclear energy, including development of new reactor technology. Exports of nuclear goods and services are a major Russian policy and economic objective.
11. [PDF] The Superphénix Fast Breeder Nuclear Reactor - HAL-SHS
Missing: Reaktor decline
12. [PDF] Fast Breeder Reactor Programs: History and Status
... super-grade plutonium in the breeder blankets.24 Even if the utilities ... water reactor fleet will drop from the projected 199 GWe to 78 GWe by 2052.
13. [PDF] Baseline Concept Description of a Small Modular High Temperature ...
The location of the reactor vessel and primary components below grade greatly decrease the probability of an impact. ... super- computers, and usually can ...
14. [PDF] Fast Reactor Database 2006 Update
will require the fast reactor technology, and that, given the decline in fast reactor development projects, ... Super-Phénix 1 reactor vertical cross-section (2 ...
15. [PDF] Why did the Breed Reactor Fail? - Swedish and international nuclear ...
France was the country that developed breeder reactors furthest. They had a very ambitious program, and 1986 they built the breeder power plant “Supér-Phenix” ...
16. Jacobs (J) to Support Naarea for Developing New Nuclear Reactor
Dec 14, 2023 · ... super-cycle in global supply-chain investments. Zacks Investment Research. Image Source: Zacks Investment Research.
Jacobs (J) is set to offer support to Naarea for the development of the new nuclear power reactor for a three-year framework.
17. [PDF] Control rod drop during hot zero power - uu .diva
If keff<1 the reactor is sub critical,. If keff>1 the reactor is super critical [1]. The reactivity of a reactor is defined as the deviation in the neutron ...
The reactor is super-. -4 critical only by the prompt neutrons. The reactor period would be in the order of milliseconds. Thus, the reactor power would ...
19. [PDF] High-Temperature Gas- Cooled Test Reactor Point Design
... super-high flux positions are usually ... This rate of peak temperature decrease was maintained through the core barrel and reactor ...
20. Is anything nuclear ever really super safe small and simple? | I, Cringely
Mar 13, 2011 · Poisoning Chernobyl, according to Robert, came down eventually to dumping tons of powdered bismuth directly into the gaping maw of the reactor ...